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To enable each and every farmerachieve sustainable and economical agriculture productivity.

Mission of the Department
  • Attain 6% Growth Rate and Increased Returns on investment to farmers through improved Technology
  • Effective Extension Reach
  • Mechanisation, Marketing tie up, Adequate Credit, Crop Insurance
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The Department of Agriculture is performing following functions in the process of sustainable agricultural development.

  • Ensuring quality & timely input supply
  • Input Regulation
  • Soil Testing
  • Fertilizer Testing
  • Seed Testing
  • Pesticides Testing
  • Generating Land Resources Database
  • Facilitating Credit
  • Facilitating Crop Insurance
  • The department has enabled the delivery of some of above mentioned services like soil testing, fertilizer, seed, pesticide testing, Input regulation and farm mechanization to farmers through use of Information Technology
Capacity building of farmers
  • Organizing pre seasonal Training – Rythu Chaitanya Yatra
  • Organizing Rythu Sadassus
  • Regular Trainings & Demonstrations through Farmers Trainings Centres
  • Fertilizer Testing
  • Exposure visits
  • Pesticides Testing
  • Special training for Farm Women
Re-engineering of Extension Approach
  • Annual orientation / capacity enhancement of all the Agril. Extension Staff
  • Workshops on Crop Specific Strategies
  • Regional Conferences
  • Training to staff at SAMETI
Strengthening Research & Extension Linkage
  • DAATT Centres
  • KVK, ARS
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During 2012-13 the Gross Area Irrigated by different sources was 25.57 lakh ha and the net area irrigated was 17.74 lakh ha and the irrigation intensity was 1.44. 

S. NoSourceGross Area irrigatedNet Area IrrigatedIrrigation Intensity
3Tube Wells14410189724271.48
4Dug Wells7663925134211.49
5Other Sources49684403111.23


Source Wise Gross Irrigated Area Percentage 2012-13


Crop Wise Irrigated Area

The Crop wise irrigated area in Telangana for important crops for the year 2011-12 in brief is as follows:

S. NoCropArea under the crop (lakh ha)Area Irrigated (lakh ha)Percentage
5Other crops16.075.6335.03
Energization of Wells

Wells and tube wells irrigate a Gross Cropped Area of about 22.07 lakh ha in Telangana state and there are 17.61 lakh energized wells with a connected load of 73.75 lakh (K.W). The district wise breakup is as follows:

S. NoDistrictLow Tension Agriculture 
  No. of ServicesConnected Load (K.W)
2Ranga Reddy110242452220
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Cropping Intensity

Cropping intensity is one of the indices for assessing the efficiency of agriculture sector. The cropping intensity i.e. the ratio of Gross Area Sown to Net Area Sown during 2011-12 is 1.16. The level of cropping intensity moves in consonance with the behaviour of the monsoon and availability of irrigation water.



Land Holdings

Agriculture production depends, to a considerable extent, upon the size of the unit of cultivation. According to the census, the average size of land holding per farmer in the state during 2010-11 is at 1.12 hectares and the same is likely to fall below due to further fragmentation of the farm holdings, since more than 70 % of rural population is dependent on Agriculture only.

The total numbers of operational holdings in the State are 55.54 lakhs covering an area of 61.97 lakh hectares. The Number of operational holdings belonging to various categories   and the land operated by them (2010-11) is indicated below:

S. No.CategoryUnitValue
1.Total Geographical AreaLakh Ha114.84
2.Gross Cropped AreaLakh Ha56.90
3.Net Cropped AreaLakh Ha46.54
4.Gross Irrigated AreaLakh Ha25.57
5.Net Irrigated AreaLakh Ha17.74
6.Average Farm Holding SizeHa1.12
7.Average Annual Rainfall


8.Cropping Intensity  %1.24
9.Irrigation Intensity  %1.44
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Cropping Pattern

Telangana grows 27 important crops in Kharif and Rabi seasons put together covering an area of about 53.51 lakh ha. The important crops grown are Rice (14.19) lakh ha, Maize (6.63) lakh ha, Pulses (6.11) lakh ha, Groundnut (1.89) lakh ha, Cotton (18.13) lakh ha, Chillies (0.83) lakh ha and Sugarcane (0.41) lakh ha. Etc. 78.76% of the area is grown in Kharif and the remaining 21.24% is cultivated in Rabi.

Agro Climatic Zones

Based on climatic parameters i.e. Rainfall, Soils and cropping pattern etc., the state (10 districts) is divided in to 4 Agro-climatic zones. The agricultural planning for each zone is supported with the research and recommendations of Regional Agricultural Research Stations of ANGRAU setup within each zone.

Classification of Agro Climatic Zones in Telangana

No.Name of the zoneDistrictsHead QuartersPercentageGeographical area (sq.km)No. of mandals
1.Northern Telangana ZoneKarimnagar, Nizamabad, AdilabadJagtial35.51446
2Central Telangana ZoneWarangal, Khammam, MedakWarangal30.61327
3.Southern Telangana ZoneMahabubnagar, Nalgonda, Rangareddy (+Hyderabad)Palem39.31646
4.High Altitude & Tribal Areas ZoneHigh Altitude & Tribal Areas Of Khammam & Adilabad districtsChintapalli4.66133
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